Exploring The Effect Of HGS1 Attraction Of Hollow Resin Electrons In Graphite ElectrodesMay,02,2023The electrons of the graphite electrode are excited by HGS1, generating another high-frequency level coupling current. First, the electrical characteristics of ···355
Electrochemical Biosensor Based On Screen-printed ElectrodesMay,02,2023Electrode and its surface immobilization technology determine the performance and application value of electrochemical biosensor. In this thesis, several kinds ···371
What Is A Graphite CrucibleMay,02,2023Crucible is a refractory graphite crucible mainly used in smelting special alloy steel, melting non-ferrous metals and their alloys, which is made of crystallin···375
Master This Technology, Let The Carbon Electrode Capacitor Performance To A Higher Level!May,02,2023Carbon electrode (, mlcl) capacitors should have this technology, right? Decades ago there was no technology for reevaporating capacitors at all. However, the h···411
Paper Recommendation: New Technology Composite Electrode——High Capacitance Performance Supercapacitor Based On Carbon NanomaterialsMay,02,2023But supercapacitors have low energy density compared to batteries, limiting their practical applications. At present, there are three basic strategies for prepa···396
Graphite Rod Energy Logic | Siyue Wooden Structure ExplorationMay,01,2023The energy of the graphite rod is the energy in the air. When cooling, the energy in the air and the graphite rod should be the same according to the logic of e···458